Meet Laura

Laura Polikowsky is a nationally certified personal trainer through ACSM and a Holistic Wellness Coach through the CHEK Institute. Since graduating from Gustavus with a degree in Athletic Training and Health Fitness she has been working as a personal trainer for 10 years, and she is currently pursuing her Master's Degree in Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota. Her experience with pre and postnatal exercise has led her to become our resident prenatal and postpartum fitness expert at Moms on The Run!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Weightless in the Water

Q: I've heard water workouts are great for pregnancy. What are some good options for water exercise?

A: The last blog talked about joining a “spinning” class if you need an opportunity to workout withoutputting a lot of strain on your low back. Another great option is either water aerobics or swimming. Most gyms offer water aerobics classes and there are also many opportunities within your local community education system. You may find that you are the only participant below the age of 65 but hey, everyone needs a good workout, right?

As always please talk to the instructor before class. I stress this because you may find that you need ideas on how to increase the intensity of the class and the instructor will be able to give you ideas along the way. Lap swimming is always a great option is well. The pool is such a nice cool environment to be working out in and the compression from the water on the body feels really good. Monitoring your heart rate in the pool is tough so I recommend you pay close attention to how you are feeling. Keeping the intensity at a moderate level is best.

Also, be sure you continue to hydrate yourself. We often forget we are sweating when we are swimming and need to replenish our water just as we do when we are on land. If swimming is not something you are good at but you still want to get into the water try aqua jogging. This can be done with the assistance of an aqua jogging belt or just by walking along the bottom of the pool (pool shoes make this much more comfortable). Ask a lifeguard to show you how to use one of the belts or for some instruction on the best lanes to “jog” in.

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