Meet Laura

Laura Polikowsky is a nationally certified personal trainer through ACSM and a Holistic Wellness Coach through the CHEK Institute. Since graduating from Gustavus with a degree in Athletic Training and Health Fitness she has been working as a personal trainer for 10 years, and she is currently pursuing her Master's Degree in Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota. Her experience with pre and postnatal exercise has led her to become our resident prenatal and postpartum fitness expert at Moms on The Run!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Battling Misconceptions about Exercise During Pregnancy

I just read an interesting study on women’s beliefs about physical activity during pregnancy and their behaviors. Studies like this one continue to reinforce my belief that women are under informed when it comes to the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. This study found that 78% percent of those surveyed, believe that women can exercise during pregnancy. This means that 22%, nearly one quarter of those studied, believe that it is unwise for a pregnant woman to exercise. We know that ACOG recommends that all pregnant woman should exercise unless otherwise advised by their medical provider. A full 1/3 of those surveyed believe that if a woman did not exercise prior to pregnancy they should not begin a program during their pregnancy. Again, ACOG says that it is safe for women to begin an exercise program during pregnancy. I have to wonder if these statistics are bolstered by the fact that only 23.5% of those surveyed indicated that they had received physical activity advice from their health care professional.

There were a few very bright spots that came out of this survey as well. A full 94% believed that regular exercise while pregnant could help to increase energy as well as help improve labor and delivery. Most of the women, 75%, also believed that regular physical activity could help to improve the babies health. I find these three statistics to be very encouraging. Women are started to get the message about the importance of regular exercise during pregnancy and the benefits it can provide to them as well as their babies. Sadly, the difference between what we know we should do and what we do can be very wide. Of those who responded to the survey, only 27% exercised during their first and second trimesters. This needs to improve. We need to get more healthcare providers talking to their patients about exercise both prior to conception and throughout pregnancy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

On Being Parents

As parents we know that the health behaviors we demonstrate to our children are most likely the health behaviors they will adopt. We try so hard to expose our children to new veggies as infants in the hopes that they will someday enjoy them all. We enter our children into every sporting activity possible hoping something will set off a spark in them. We limit screen time in order to encourage physical activity. But, what are we demonstrating?

Studies show that we as parents are the main source of the socialization
and development of physical activity habits in our children. If we are not demonstrating our need to make health and physical activity a priority, how can they be expected to learn anything else?

Parenthood affects the physical activity levels of both men and women, but women experience it to a greater level. One study found that mothers spend about 90 minutes less engaging in physical activity than men over the course of two weeks. Another study indicates that women with children exercise 37% less than women without children. These stats combined with the nationwide stats on physical activity levels means we as mommies are not doing so well.

So, what do we do to help reverse this trend? First, look at your “barriers.” Write them down and share them with others. It is possible that some of the things that are holding you back are easily crossed off the list. Secondly, look to those around you for support. We need family and social support to make most things in our lives run a bit more smoothly, and exercise is no different. Ask your hubby to take the kids to the park while you walk around the block a few times. Swap childcare with a neighbor to free up some time to workout. Ask a girlfriend to send you friendly little text reminders about why you are making exercise a priority. Tell yourself you deserve it. Your children deserve it.